Tikibats Commission Page

Commissions Closed

Video Editing Commissions


Video TypeBase PriceTurnaround Time
Simple Lyrics$25, first 5 minutes3-4 weeks

Add Ons

Longer Video+$5 per 2 minutes
Handwritten Text+$5 per Minute of text on screen

**If you have a specific vision or examples you want me to follow, please let me know! I'm interested in experimenting with style.


Simple Lyric Video

Simple Lyrics as a Captioned Live Video

Simple Lyric Video with Handwritten Text

Art Commissions


Commission TypePriceTurnaround Time
Lineart$10~3 weeks
Flat Color$203-4 Weeks
Full Color/Shaded$253-4 Weeks
Simple Animation$504-5 weeks
Design Sheet$75-$1003-4 Weeks
Merchandise DesignContact MeMore than 4 weeks

Add Ons

Simple 1-3 Color BGFree
Extra Character$10
Complex backgroundConact Me


**You can view my whole portfolio on my Ko-Fi Gallery.

Read Me

Hello there!

Thank you so much for considering commissioning me! If you have any questions or would like to reach out to me for a commission, please feel free to contact my email or send my a message through my Ko-Fi.I’m currently offering: Video Editing and Art.In your commission inquiry, please be sure to state the purpose of your commission (personal or commercial).I reserve the right to to change/update my policies without warning and decline any commission.

Payment Policies

Commission payment plans are due on a case-by-case basis depending on price. Payment is expected up front (in full or the first payment of an agreed upon payment plan) before I start your commission.I’m willing to work within people’s budgets, so please let me know what your budget is while we’re discussing quotes!Please note that if I give you a final calculated quote, my price is firm. I will not go lower than my final calculated quote.

Refund Policy

Refunds can only be given if it’s requested before materials are bought and/or sketches and planning are finalized.This is final.

Rush Work

If you need a commission completed under 3 weeks, there will be a rush fee of 25% of your commission order and full payment is required up front.


I reserve the right to reject any commission for any reason.For NSFW or suggestive art, you must be 18+ to purchase. If you are underage and attempt to purchase NSFW art, I will decline your commission.*I will not draw illegal NSFW material or NSFW of real people.

Commercial Use Guidelines

If you are interested in commissioning me for commercial art work (including but not limited to: merchandise such as keychain designs, posters, t-shirts, art for album covers, etc), my fees are as follows:A 50% commercial fee based on the total cost of your commission will be added for commercial usage. I must be credited for this work.If you would like to completely buy-out these rights (which will be +100% of commission price), please discuss this with me during our consultation.In your commission inquiry, please be sure to state if your commission will be for commercial use and for what purpose will my art be used for.In order to protect myself and you, you must be 18+ and able to sign a document outlining agreed upon due dates, payment, and additional information for your commission.If you have any questions regarding if your usage is considered commercial under my policy, please contact me.I DO NOT CONSENT TO OR ALLOW MY ARTWORK TO BE USED FOR NFTs, CRYPTOCURRENCY, OR OTHER RELATED COMMERCIAL USES IN REGARDS TO THE BLOCKCHAIN.